Awards – RAD 2017 Conference
The final decision on the winners has been made. The names of the awarded participants can be seen here. We congratulate to all the nominees and to all the awarded participants!
Award Nominations
Nominations for the awards for the best contributions of RAD 2017 Conference in four categories can be seen here.
Book of Abstracts
Book of Abstracts of RAD 2017 Conference can be downloaded here.
Book of Abstracts of RAD 2017 Mini Symposium - Administrative organization of EU Project Proposals can be downloaded here.
Book of Abstracts of RAD 2017 Mini Symposium - Radiation Research and Protection in Europe HORIZON 2020 can be downloaded here.
Final Programme
RAD 2017 Final Programme can be found here (Updated on June 13, 2017).
Poster Presentations
The maximum size of the posters should be 1m (width) x 1.2m (height). The posters will be placed on the cardboards and fixed on the surface by using the tape supplied by the organizer.
The posters should be prepared by using sufficiently large fonts for the text and equations. The illustrations should also be clearly visible.
The posters should be placed at appropriate boards (marked by the organizer) at least 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the session. The presenters should stay nearby their posters throughout the session, and remove the posters after the session is finished.
Session chairpersons will arrive at the beginning of the session, check if all the posters are placed properly, check if the presenting authors are in their places, and overlook the course of the entire session.
Please contact the Conference Secretariat (E-mail: if you need any additional information or have some specific requests.
Dear Participants,
We would kindly asking you to complete the on-line registration here.
Since the booking list for the Slovenska Plaza hotel should be finished until May 20, we are expecting your registrations and accommodation bookings in the upcoming days. We also expect your flight information in order to organize the Special Shuttle Service on time. If you have already completed the registration form and afterwards realized that, from some reason, you are unable to participate in RAD 2017 Conference, please inform us as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding.
Special Talk
In the frames of RAD 2017 Conference, Sofia Guedes Vaz, Foundation for Science and Technology, Portugal, will give a special talk NUCLEU2020 – A network of Horizon 2020 National Contact Points (NCP).
The talk will present the EURATOM programme, the work of NCP and the help they can give to researchers to apply to Horizon 2020 calls
AirSerbia has become the Official Carrier of RAD 2017 Conference and it gives a special discount for the participants who fly to the Podgorica Airport and the Tivat Airport from certain destinations! For more details, please visit our page dedicated to travel.
CEI Cooperation Activity
The Committee of National Coordinators has authorised a CEI contribution to RAD 2017 declaring it as a CEI Cooperation Activity.
Satellite events - Mini Symposia
RAD 2017 Scientific and Organizing Committees are glad to announce that, in the frame of RAD 2017 Conference, two Mini Symposia will be held on Tuesday, June 13, 2017:
Radiation Research and Protection in Europe – HORIZON 2020
Administrative organization of EU Project Proposals
The chairperson of these Mini Symposia is Prof. Michael John Atkinson, Helmholtz Center Munich GmbH, Germany.
All participants of RAD 2017 Conference are very welcome to take part in these Symposia, and the participation is included in the Conference fee.
Abstract Deadline Extension
We would like to inform you that the abstract submission deadline is extended until December 31, 2016, hoping this extension will give you enough time to finish your abstract(s).
Up to 3000 characters long abstract(s) (including spaces) could be entered via abstract portal at ABSTRACT page. The figures, equations, tables and references must not be included in the abstract.
Please note that it is not necessary to send an abstract to participate in RAD 2017 Conference. If you do not have a contribution, but you wish to participate, you will be able to register yourself as a regular participant and take a participation in this event!
Abstracts imported until November 30, 2016 will be locked and send to evaluation. The notification of abstract acceptance will be send until December 31, 2016 for those abstracts.